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What is Parameter?

  • The parameter values supplied with a procedure call must be constants or a variable; a function name cannot be used as a parameter value. Variables can be user-defined or system variables

  • To see how to create parameter Click here

  • Follow this Steps to create Dataset using parameter. (Follow the steps till No-8)

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  • Click on the Parameter button as shown in the image above:-

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  • User can see listed options in this window as shown in image above:-

I. Name:-

  • When user is creating parameter while creating dataset they can set the Name as require.

  • Explicitly naming the parameters and assigning the appropriate values to each parameter in a procedure call allows the parameters to be supplied in any order.

II. Direction:-

  • The direction of a parameter is either input, a value is passed into the body of the procedure, or output, the procedure returns a value to the calling program. The default is an input parameter.

To know more in details about it Click here .

III. Data Type:-

  • Parameters must be defined with a data type when they are declared in a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The data type of a parameter determines the type and range of values that are accepted for the parameter when the procedure is called.

Data Type has no effect in current release. It will be added in further release.

IV. Procedure Type:-

  • Initially user can't able to click on Procedure Type Check box.

  • Procedure Type is used when user works with the ORACLE.


Click here to know more in detail about this.

V. Default Value:-

  • A parameter is considered optional if the parameter has a default value specified when it is declared. It is not necessary to provide a value for an optional parameter in a procedure call.

  • The default value of a parameter is used when:

1. No value for the parameter is specified in the procedure call.
2. The DEFAULT keyword is specified as the value in the procedure call.

VI. Linked Parameter:-

  • Linked Parameter is used when user created parameter directly from the Parameter section & then they will Linked that created Paremeter here.

  • When user click on the check box of Linked Parameter, they will be able to see the created Parameter list from the Parameter Section.

  • Click here to see how to create Parameter directly from Parameter Section.

VII. Is Hidden:-

  • When this option is checked, User can't able to see the check box of Parameter whiel previewing it.

  • When user Is Hidden box is Checked, the user will be able to see the below pop-up while previewing the dataset.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction